Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

An Evidence-based treatment for chronic pain

The mission is to create a paradigm shift in the way chronic pain is treated and understood so that patients can reach complete pain recovery.

Pain reprocessing therapy (PRT)is a system of psychological techniques that retrain the brain to interpret and respond appropriately to the signals from the body,  breaking the cycle of chronic pain.

Recent studies have shown that chronic back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia symptoms, repetitive strain injuries, headaches and other form of chronic pain are often not the result of structural issues, but of the psychophysiologic proceses that can be reversed. This is know as Neuroplastic Pain.

Neuroplastic pain (NP)is when pain persist after an injury has healed or has no apparent physical cause. Neuroplastic pain is caused by the brain misinterpreting safe messages from the body as if they are dangerous.

Pain is a danger signal. Normally when we injure ourselves, the body sends signals to the brain, informing us of tissue damage, and we feel pain. But sometimes ( I would say often times)the brain can make a mistake. In other words, Neuroplastic pain is a false alarm.

Most of us will experience some level of chronic neuroplastic pain in our lifetimes. Now with PRT we have the opportunity to reverse neuroplastic pain using the system of psychological techniques with 5 main components. 1)Education about brain orgins and reversibility of pain. 2)gathering and reinforcing personalized evidence. 3)Attending to and appraising pain sensation through the lens of safety.4)addressing emotional threats and 5)gravitating to positive feelings and sensation.

A randomized controlled trial at the University of Colorado Boulder validated Pain Reprocessing Therapy as the most effective current treatment for chronic pain. In the study, there were 150 chronic back pain patients. 50 patients received PRT twice a week for four weeks, 50 patients received treatment as usual, and 50 patients received an open-label placebo injection. In the PRT group, 98% of patients improved and 66% of patients were pain-free or nearly pain-free at the end of treatment. These outcomes were largely maintained one year later. Read the study in JAMA Psychiatry here.

A secondary analysis of the trial demonstrates that PRT significantly reduces pain intensity and fear avoidance behaviors by increasing mind- or brain-related attributed causes of pain. Results suggest that using simple language to reattribute pain from the body to the brain may support effective treatment to relieve pain. Read the study in JAMA Network Open here.

Break the cycle of chronic pain, call today to schedule your complimentary assessment.



PRT has been a life saver for me. I had low back pain for over 20 years and I am finally relatively pain free and no longer need pain meds for relief.

Jane Faber

6 months ago

I had rotator cuff repair surgery 2 years ago and after a year of PT I was still experiencing chronic shoulder and neck pain. I tried massage, acupuncture, stretching, meds and nothing seemed to help. A few months ago I was introduced to PRT at  the Joyefit Institute and in 3 weeks of therapy I have had  a significant relief in pain. I highly recommend Pain reprocessing therapy for anyone with chronic pain, it really work....

Joan Singleton

4 months ago

I suffered from fibromyalgia symptoms with chronic pain and headaches for many years. Johnny Oye at Joyefit has helped me understand neuroplastic pain and has been able to help me reduce my pain significantly. And after his manual therapy and PRT I no longer have debilitating headaches. I am forever grateful. Thank you Joyefit!


1 month ago

20 years ago a car accident left me with herniated disc in my neck and spine. I had surgery to repair the disk and completed the recommended PT. Years later I continued to have pain. I tried pain meds, manual therapies, and hypnotherapy but nothing reduced the pain. Eventually I was re-evaluated and informed that there was no structural issues or mechanical problems. This left me hopeless and in more pain. I've lived with daily pain for years until now. PRT has literally changed my life. I am no longer in pain and have started living an active lifestyle and hope for the future. Thank you Johnny Oye!

Philip Gauteaux

5 months ago

How does PRT work?

Similar to cognitive behavioral therapy you will sit with your certified pain reprocessing therapist where you will provide personal health and medical information. It may include a basic physical examination of the area affected where your strength and range of motion is evaluated. You will be provided with education about how pain works and clinical data reinforcing the benefits of PRT. Once the assessment is complete you will be guided through a system of psychological techniques designed to begin the retraining process of your brain. This process is repeated over time, and with time, the neuroplastic pain patterns contributing to your chronic pain will diminish. You will be provided with homework and tools that will help you continue therapy at home and allow for your continued healing. The treatment process requires a minimum of  four (4) sessions, 1 hour session each week. Each session will include manual soft tissue manipulation and psychological techniques. Both will play a role in the healing process.

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